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The Evolution of Corporate Training: Trends and Insights

, | July 11, 2024 | By
A women celebrating with her coworkers
  • How do we learn? When it comes to learning, most of us picture the traditional repetition and memorization we performed in grade school. Typical learning models like these involve instruction, imitation, examination, and then? Usually, the information is lost and forgotten. For the most part, this is because humans don’t learn through simple memorization—they learn from complex experiences.


True learning and development (L&D) only occurs through scenario-based training, in which learners can make mistakes and gain experience without suffering real-world consequences. Understanding how to apply learned knowledge to possible work situations is the essence of modern L&D. Today’s most effective corporate training initiatives stress the importance of continuous, immersive learning and adaptability to thrive in the future of work.

The Modern Workforce at a Glance

Classic learning models don’t cut it anymore. To remain competitive, the modern workforce requires dynamic training initiatives capable of constant reskilling and upskilling. According to the World Economic Forum , nearly half (44 percent) of workers’ core skills are expected to change within the next five years.


The State of Corporate Training Today

These newfound priorities affect corporate training initiatives by facilitating a collective move away from traditional learning models. Now, workers expect corporate training to be more dynamic than ever. Programs must be widely accessible, scalable, and have remote capabilities (more on these qualities later).

One way to satisfy these desires is by employing simulation learning for corporate training efforts. Using simulations, businesses can mimic real-world situations to engage learners and refine skill practice. Through practical applications and decision-making exercises, this experiential learning prepares workers for situations they’re likely to face in their field, both now and in the future.

Employee Development: Learning or Leaving

Ongoing employee development initiatives are no longer a luxury at the workplace, and they don’t solely benefit the learner. According to an article from Culture Amp, continued education and upskilling are “mutually beneficial for both employer and employee,” as these efforts—when deployed correctly—improve both the individual’s aptitude and the organization as a whole. 

In fact, if you don’t offer your employees ample opportunities to develop their skills, your workflows and culture are bound to take a hit. An Employee Benefit News study of over 34,000 exit interviews found that lack of career development efforts was the top reason that employees left their jobs. A workplace that’s devoid of growth opportunities sets itself up for staff dissatisfaction, and if you’ve ever been part of a collaborative team, you know dissatisfaction spreads quickly. Teams work best when they’re aligned skillswise, so offering L&D opportunities can help organizations to achieve cohesion and avoid turnover.

Corporate Training Demands Based on Today’s Trends

Today’s most progressive employers are choosing to stray from traditional learning models , opting for more intuitive training initiatives that build transferable, applicable skills. After all, the most agile teams have lots of practical experience. This evolution of L&D affects virtually every business, as they must adjust their practices to meet these new standards. In other words, it’s up to employers to evolve with today’s corporate training trends by:

Attracting and Retaining Talent Through L&D

The availability of in-depth training programs is considered a job benefit, like health insurance and retirement funds. Today’s workforce understands the growing need for applicable soft skills they can continue to build on throughout their careers. As a result, a great L&D program is a huge selling point for employers looking to attract and retain talent.

Leveraging Widespread AI Adoption 

Nearly every business nowadays is employing AI models for some operational purpose. This widespread adoption—plus the rise of eLearning for employee training programs—has pushed L&D into the modern age of technology and expanded learning opportunities. One way AI can improve corporate training is by giving businesses the ability to personalize training scenarios and learning approaches with less lift, like with Regis’s innovative ReX AI tool. AI solutions like these accelerate the design and development of learning by personalizing and optimizing learner experiences without wasting valuable time.

Connecting from Anywhere

Remote connectivity is one of the highest priorities for workers today. The rise of hybrid and remote work models has made convenience a huge factor for corporate training and many other operational initiatives. Mobile software that’s immediately accessible from virtually anywhere is a necessity for any modern training program, as learners need to accomplish objectives quickly and often from various locations.

Addressing Skill Gaps

Rapid digital transformation across the business world has sparked the need for constant upskilling. Once again, employers need to prioritize growth and development for their employees or risk losing them to more progressive organizations with a larger focus on L&D. Although technological advancements have helped make businesses more productive, they’ve also created skill shortages within companies. To address these skill gaps and remain competitive, employees need to become lifelong learners who are always looking for new skills to develop. Employers, in turn, must provide plenty of opportunities for them to do so.

Revolutionize Corporate Training & Employee Development

Employers must cultivate a culture of experimentation and ongoing education to meet the learning preferences of today’s workforce. Experiential learning models are essential for developing corporate training efforts that build applicable skills and encourage innovation. When business leaders prioritize learning through experience for their employees, they not only set their workers up for future career success, but also give their organization a competitive edge.


We believe Digital Marketing Executive Vikas Nayak said it best:

“To harness the full potential of these trends, organizations must be agile, open to innovation, and committed to investing in the growth and development of their most valuable asset—their people.”

Traditional learning models are no longer sustainable for a workforce dependent on remaining relevant in the face of constant change. Only through experiential, scenario-based learning can employers prepare their business and employees for a future focused on consistent upskilling and reskilling.

To revolutionize your L&D initiatives and future-proof your workforce, reach out to the Regis team to schedule a demo today.



Ready to learn more?

At The Regis Company, we make learning effective, engaging, and easy to deploy – anywhere in the world, virtually or in person.

Want to learn more about how our solutions can help you achieve your learning and development goals? From a one-to-one conversation about your programs and goals to a hands-on lunch and learn for your team, we’d be delighted to help you create innovative, immersive learning programs.

Book your ask-us-anything call right here.


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