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Insights and inspiration for learning leaders

Women looking at a digital screen representing a skills practice simulation
Future of Work & Learning

Why Use Scenario-Based Learning Simulations for Skills Practice?

Most people don’t learn from reading and memorizing. They learn by doing. So why are so many learning models centered around basic memorization?...

A women celebrating with her coworkers
Future of Work & Learning

The Evolution of Corporate Training: Trends and Insights

How do we learn? When it comes to learning, most of us picture the traditional repetition and memorization we performed in grade school. Typical...

A business women smiling
Future of Work & Learning

Designing Powerful Learning Programs for Hybrid Workforces

We know the future of work is all about how work will get done over the next decade, influenced by technological, generational, and social shifts....

The Future of Team Development: Insights from The Regis Company Experts
Future of Work & Learning

The Future of Team Development: Insights from The Regis Company Experts

No staff member exists in a bubble—they are all individuals part of a team, which is why collaboration is so important to today’s workforce. Humans...

Transforming Leadership: Elevate Your Organization with These Innovative L&D Strategies
Future of Work & Learning

Transforming Leadership: Elevate Your Organization with These Innovative L&D Strategies

Your organization likely has some good leaders—and even a handful of great ones. But what really makes the difference between a good leader and a...

Build Market-Ready Skills Using AI-Supported, Human-Centered Design
Future of Work & Learning

Build Market-Ready Skills Using AI-Supported, Human-Centered Design

Bridging the gap between learning and application has been a long-standing challenge for business leaders, especially in high-risk or high-stakes...

building blacks with icons
Future of Work & Learning

How AI Tools are Accelerating the Design and Development of Learning

AI is here… and in a big way. Seven years ago, Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google claimed “We are moving from a mobile-first to an AI-first world” and he...

a woman smiling learning about the use cases of AI based skills practice simulations
Future of Work & Learning

10 Predictions for AI Impact on L&D

AI is already having an impact on Learning and Development. From AI-enabled tools that are accelerating design and development of learning, to tools...

Woman on her laptop thinking about the future of work
Future of Work & Learning

The Future of Work & Learning

What’s the future of work – and why should learning leaders care? Simply put, the future of work is about how work will get done over the next...

A photo of a women employee smiling at work
Future of Work & Learning

The Best Way to Attract, Retain, and Engage Employees

The Great Resignation. The Great Reshuffle. The Big Quit. Whatever you call it, it’s happening, and companies everywhere are struggling to recruit...