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On the Blog

Insights and inspiration for learning leaders

Build Market-Ready Skills Using AI-Supported, Human-Centered Design
Future of Work & Learning

Develop a Market-Ready Workforce with AI-Supported Skills Practice

Bridging the gap between learning and application has been a long-standing challenge for business leaders, especially in high-risk or high-stakes...

building blacks with icons
Future of Work & Learning

How AI Tools are Accelerating the Design and Development of Learning

AI is here… and in a big way. Seven years ago, Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google claimed “We are moving from a mobile-first to an AI-first world” and he...

a woman smiling learning about the use cases of AI based skills practice simulations
Future of Work & Learning

10 Predictions for AI Impact on L&D

AI is already having an impact on Learning and Development. From AI-enabled tools that are accelerating design and development of learning, to tools...

Woman on her laptop thinking about the future of work
Future of Work & Learning

The Future of Work & Learning

What’s the future of work – and why should learning leaders care? Simply put, the future of work is about how work will get done over the next...

A photo of a women employee smiling at work
Future of Work & Learning

The Best Way to Attract, Retain, and Engage Employees

The Great Resignation. The Great Reshuffle. The Big Quit. Whatever you call it, it’s happening, and companies everywhere are struggling to recruit...

An illustrate graphic of a man sitting at a laptop. He is at the center of a graph with the vertical axis of Richness and the horizontal axis of Reach.
Leadership Development Solutions

Two Factors That Will Define the Next Generation of Learning Technology

Though digital transformation is nothing new, only 22% of companies were ready for mass remote working prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, according...

An illustration of a diverse group of professionals standing a line and looking at the reader.
Leadership Development Solutions

Going Beyond Buzzwords to Enhance Diversity and Inclusion at Work

A recent study by innovation guru Josh Bersin found that “inclusive companies are 1.7 times more likely to be innovation leaders in their market.”

An illustrated image of a professional man that pays homage to the da Vinci drawing

How to Increase Employee Productivity in the Virtual Work World

With employees spread all over the map and markets in flux, it’s no surprise that business stakeholders are concerned about worker productivity. The...

Two human figures on a stylized graphic image of The Regis Company logo (four steps of a staircase) are helping one another climb the larger than life steps.
Leadership Development Solutions

The Top 3 Priorities for Leadership Development in 2021 According to Learning Professionals

When we asked learning leaders across the globe about the impact of COVID-19 on learning and development in our 2020 State of Business and Leadership...

Abstract graphic illustrations of large, colorful shapes that appear to be falling into place on a white background. Several illustrated faces are featured.
Leadership Development Solutions

Four Trends That Will Shape the Next Normal in Leadership

The world is in full pandemic fatigue mode. It took an entire year to figure out how to turn our own faces off on Zoom calls, and with heavy hearts...

Man working at home on his laptop, enjoying learning virtually.

7 Simple Steps to Becoming a Better Virtual Learner

In previous blogs, we focused on what organizations can do to create the best learning opportunities for their learners. We discussed how companies...

A facilitator stands at the front of a group of people who are listening and engaged

Three Key Elements of Virtual Facilitation and Beyond

Over the last few weeks, we've been exploring how to create effective leadership development programs, especially as more learning becomes...